DIY Colour Matching Craft Sticks and Pegs
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DIY Colour Matching Craft Sticks and Pegs

Colour Matching Craft Sticks and Pegs is a fun activity that you can do at home with your toddler. Learning about colours is a lesson that you can start discussing from a very young age. Colours are all around us. Learning to distinguish between them can begin with pointing them out in a book, around…

Clever Ways To Encourage Kids To Play Outside

Clever Ways To Encourage Kids To Play Outside

From Pexels – CC0 License When children play outdoors, the benefits are unlimited. Unstructured play outside is as crucial to a child’s development as healthy eating and plenty of sleep. When outdoors, most kids are physically active and adventurous, not to mention social. Playing in nature will improve your child’s mood and soothe stress, as…

Printable Recycling Sorting Activity Recycle With Kids

Printable Recycling Sorting Activity Recycle With Kids

One of our household goals has been to reduce the amount of waste we produce. To achieve this, getting the kids involved in recycling and working this into our every day is part of us making these changes long-term and sustainable. Learn about simple swaps and plus get a fun printable recycling sorting activity to…

A Gift Guide for Two-Year-Old​ Toddlers

A Gift Guide for Two-Year-Old​ Toddlers

Trying to choose a gift for your nearest and dearest can be quite challenging. There are so many options available! Browsing through stores and scanning websites for endless hours can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Here is a comprehensive gift guide for your two year old to make buying for your child a more time-efficient and…

How to Make Cinnamon and Ginger Scented Play-dough
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How to Make Cinnamon and Ginger Scented Play-dough

Christmas is coming and what better way to start the celebrations than to let the Christmas activities begin! Something that sings Christmas in our household is the smell of spicy cinnamon. This was the inspiration behind our play today. We blended delicious scents to create a fun multi-sensory play experience. Learn how to make cinnamon…

Interview with Alex from One Born Every Minute Australia

Interview with Alex from One Born Every Minute Australia

One Born Every Minute Australia has aired its third episode this week! If you haven’t already heard, One Born Every Minute Australia is based upon the series with the same name in the UK. The premiere episode connected 325,000 metro area viewers with the birth unit at Sydney’s Westmead Hospital. One Born Every Minute is…

Easy Chores For Small Children

Easy Chores For Small Children

Disclaimer: This is a collaborated post and may contain affiliate links. Teaching small children some responsibility around the home can be tricky, but there are some age appropriate chores for children, even very small children, can get involved with. Starting early helps young children to consider chores normal as they age, teaching them responsibility, discipline…

The Battle With The Bottle: Methods To Breast Feed If You Find It Difficult

The Battle With The Bottle: Methods To Breast Feed If You Find It Difficult

Pexels – CC0 Licence Disclaimer: This is a collaborated post and may contain affiliate links. From the moment your child learns to speak, it’s an everyday battle. But as every parent knows, it starts way beyond this, in fact, from the moment they are born. Case in point: breastfeeding! They say that to breast feed…

5 Skills to Teach Kids Outside of School

5 Skills to Teach Kids Outside of School

Image: Disclaimer: This is a collaborated post and may contain affiliate links. We’re lucky to live in a part of the world where the school system is excellent. When our children leave school they know how to read and write. They know about history and religion and have their creative flair nurtured through art…

Taste Safe Construction Sensory Play
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Taste Safe Construction Sensory Play

Do you have a fan of trucks and vehicles at your place? This Construction themed small world, sensory play tray, is going to be right up their alley! Are you worried about your toddler eating the ‘dirt’? Fret not- It is completely taste-safe! Taste Safe Construction Sensory Play We have a new development happening at…

An Introduction to Speech Development

An Introduction to Speech Development

As a general rule, humans are social beings. We use communication to share information, express thoughts, values and needs with each other. This relationship begins from the moment we are born. An Introduction to Speech Development Newborn babies have different cries which is a unanimous form of communication. Most parents would be able to identify…