How to Make Moon Sand and Luna Craters
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How to Make Moon Sand and Luna Craters

Exploring space with your children is so interesting. It’s a great way for them to learn about the universe and how it works, and you also get some cool science experiments out of it too! Our Space themed play for the week has been a hit and we are only at day 1. One activity…

Pom Pom Sorting with Toddlers
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Pom Pom Sorting with Toddlers

Pom Poms are such a versatile little item. They are great for sensory play, crafts, counting, colour recognition, teaching spatial awareness, sorting activities and so much more! Today I thought we needed to get back to basics and ground ourselves with some simple play. Miss 19 months hasn’t been feeling very well with a nasty…

Emotions Printables and Learning Emotions Activities
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Emotions Printables and Learning Emotions Activities

Emotions printables and DIY activities are a fun way to introduce your children to learning emotions. Learning how to regulate emotions can be overwhelming even for us adults. These activities are a gentle, effective, and fun way to begin exploring emotional regulation. Emotions Printables and Learning Emotions Activities Is your child struggling with their emotions?…

How to Make Taste Safe Homemade Puff Paint
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How to Make Taste Safe Homemade Puff Paint

Painting is always a welcomed activity. This quick and easy homemade puff paint recipe can take your arts and crafts to a whole new level with a dash of science- literally! Using ingredients in the kitchen, you can have your very own homemade puff paint made and ready to play in minutes. Puff paint that…

Discovery Bags of Squishy Fine Motor Fun!
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Discovery Bags of Squishy Fine Motor Fun!

Scanning and searching for patterns, symbols and objects are known as a great pre-reading exercise. These Discovery Bags make learning so interesting and fun! While I feel Miss 18m is well and truly not ready to pick up a book and interpret the words on its pages, there are some pre-literacy skills that I feel…