Phonics Fun with Bean Bag Toss: a Preschooler’s Guide

Phonics Fun with Bean Bag Toss: a Preschooler’s Guide

Make learning sounds fun with a phonic bean bag toss. What kid doesn’t like throwing bean bags about? This learning activity is a collaboration between tossing beanbags and smashing down phonics – literally. Along with the sounds, your child will also be practising a multitude of other skills. All with the throw of a bean…

Fun with Mini Popsticks: an Egg Carton Posting Game for Toddlers

Fun with Mini Popsticks: an Egg Carton Posting Game for Toddlers

Toddlers love posting so why not introduce them to this simple DIY mini popstick posting egg carton activity. If you have a toddler, Im sure you have come to discover for placing things inside others. This is a developmental milestone that begins when they are just 6 months old. Posting activities allow them to explore…

Galactic Explorers: Space Themed Flour Sensory Bin
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Galactic Explorers: Space Themed Flour Sensory Bin

Explore outer space with your toddler using this simple space themed flour sensory bin. This toddler activity can be set up in literally seconds and is priming with learning opportunities for your little space explorer. This article discusses benefits of sensory play, how to make this sensory bin taste safe and little tips to make…

Blossoming Fun: Flower Soup Sensory Play for Toddlers

Blossoming Fun: Flower Soup Sensory Play for Toddlers

Create a colourful easy set up sensory water play activity for your toddler with flower soup! Now we aren’t talking an edible soup but this array of petals, stamen and leaves will inspire loads of learning through play while your toddler also has plenty of fun. Flower soup takes minutes to set up and will…

Anzac Day Activities 2024
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Anzac Day Activities 2024

Australians and New Zealanders around the world unite to commemorate and remember those no longer with us due to their sacrifice for their country on Anzac Day. Anzac Day 2024 Activities Why do we celebrate Anzac Day? Anzac Day is a day of remembrance. Commemorated by Australians and New Zealanders with services and marches throughout…

Sensory Play Bin with Paper Pulp Clean Mud for Kids
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Sensory Play Bin with Paper Pulp Clean Mud for Kids

Paper pulp clean mud is a simple and fun sensory bin filler for your toddlers next messy play session. Whether your using saved scrap paper or collecting shredded paper from a business in your community, this is a fun way of further extending the use of a resource that would otherwise be disposed of. Introduction…

Top 47 Educational Activities for 2-year-olds At-Home
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Top 47 Educational Activities for 2-year-olds At-Home

Hav fun while learning working your way through this list of top 47 educational activities for 2-year-olds. Feed your child’s natural curiosity and help them develop a love for learning with these inexpensive educational activities. They are quick and easy to set up and can provide your child with an environment that is going to…

Best Open Ended Magnetic Building Tiles for Kids
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Best Open Ended Magnetic Building Tiles for Kids

Find the best magnetic tiles for your family with this comprehensive guide. Learn about the benefits that magnetic tiles are going to bring to your child’s play. These tiles are not cheap however by carefully examining the distinguishing features, you are about to make an investment that is going to make a return every time…

Fun Balance Activities for Toddlers Coordination
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Fun Balance Activities for Toddlers Coordination

Add some fun into every day with these balance activities for toddlers. Learn how to add balancing games into you toddlers day to not only improve their balance and coordination but many other vital life skills too. The Importance of Balance and Coordination Developing balance and coordination early in life sets the foundation for a…