Self Care: A Reminder

Disclosure: This blog contains affiliate links which I may earn a small commission from if you purchase through them, at no extra cost to you.

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Disclaimer: I was gifted a Bellabox in exchange for my review however the opinions stated are my own.

We have all read and heard about the importance of self care. Before becoming a parent, this may have meant a spontaneous road trip. Spending the day shopping with friends and purchasing cosmetics would be a common happening. Reading a book a week and eating out for fine dinners or winery lunches would be the norm.

This is a little reminder that self care can still be achievable once you become a parent. This is so, even though it may not first seem like it.

Self Care: A Reminder

From the very early stages of pregnancy, a mother begins to make adjustments to herself for the sake of her child. Knowingly or not, our focus shifts. Before you know it you have only three pairs of socks (only 1 without a hole) and you can’t recall when your hair was last cut by a qualified hairdresser. Then a trip down to the grocery store takes thirty minutes of preparation. The days roll into weeks, the weeks roll into months and the months roll into years. Self care can slip.

It is so easy to get lost in the day to day tasks that motherhood brings but it does not mean you need to lose yourself within it too. You are:

  • important
  • have value
  • are worth it
  • deserve to be looked after

Whether you are a newbie mum, seasoned mum, step mum, foster mum, adoptive mum or caregiver it is so very important to take a moment just for yourself. Have you heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”?

Self care does not need to be complicated or excessively time consuming. Even the busiest Mumma can slip a few self care moments into her day.

Here is a list of some small, inexpensive self care suggestions that you could work into your day.

1. Brush Your Hair

Honestly, can you remember the last time you ran a brush through your mum bun other than on the day you last shampooed it? If done regularly, it only takes a few moments to detangle the birds nest and you never know what could evolve from using your humble hair brush. Maybe one day you could be blowing the dust off your hair straightener again!

brush hair

2. Finish a Hot Cup of Tea or Coffee

Gone are the days of sitting down in the morning and being able to enjoy a cup of coffee without being interrupted. Truth be told, at this point, even if I was too, it would only mean that the children were quietly up to no good. Instead of your normal coffee cup, why not use an insulated, reusable cup? It will keep your morning beverage the perfect temp and it is socially acceptable to have it accompany you to school drop off!

3. Write It All Down

Mums have a crazy schedule. The to do list is never ending. Combine that with an overactive tired Mum brain constantly running over different scenarios, scenarios that stem from those scenarios along with mental checklists, appointments, kids activities, the empty Vegemite jar placed in the recycling needing a replacement and protecting the load of washing that is hanging on the line with sombre rainclouds creeping up from the horizon. Things are always clearer on paper.

Release your mind from the burden of holding onto these details by writing them down. Calendars, meal planners, business planners and shopping planners can all hold those overwhelming thoughts. Not only will everything be clarified, it is also very satisfying crossing those tasks off the list and will save time! Personally, I LOVE this planner along with mindset questions. It has been proven that you will see what you put out into the world. Acknowledge the good in your day and you will start to notice it organically.

Would you like to have a laugh? Think of ‘great danes’…. now that has been said, please let me know how many great danes you see out and about this week!

Letter Basics daily planner

4. Sleep

Now I’m not about to go full speed ahead and drop the ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ line on you however… most babies have their deepest sleep before midnight. Trust me, I know all to well the value of those hours in the evening when everyone else is asleep. That being said, why not have yourself a nap in your warm and comfortable bed once the children are asleep? An hour of sleep is going to be much more beneficial to your body and mind than an hour of scrolling through Facebook.

5. Get Amongst Nature

It is so easy to find yourself cooped up inside the entire day. Getting outside (more than just hanging out the washing) and in the sunshine, amongst the tree, feel the breeze on your face and the grass between your toes should never be underestimated. The same can be said for getting the children out of the house too. Connecting with natural elements, breathing in fresh air and unplugging from the pressures of every day can make you feel refreshed and revitalised.

6. Get off Social Media

Social media is a great tool for connecting and sharing information. It certainly has its merits however with the ease of a tap and slide, its very easy to slide down into the vortex of an endless rabbit hole. While some posts can be motivational, it is also easy to feel the pressure of Laura’s latest gym session, Sarah’s latest shopping spree, Julie’s immaculate shiny floor and Debra wearing crisp white jeans and tee while holding her smiling two under two.

Remember that we really only share the best of our lives on social media. Please be kind, celebrate your friends successes (and ask Debra which in wash booster she uses) however recognise that these are snippets of their lives and it is okay to not have all your ducks in a row all the time.

Nominate yourself tech time and then put the phone away. Read a book, write in a journal, get crafty or bake yourself a cheeky something for after the kids go to bed instead of scrolling.

7. Feed Yourself and Drink Water

Eating well doesn’t have to be challenging. Healthy snacks can be prepared ahead of time. The benefits on eating quality fresh healthy foods and drinking 8 cups of water are two things that I’m sure you are jumping through hoops to ensure your child has; you deserve it too!

Keep a cup of water full on your kitchen bench or where you will see it. A passing sip can add up quickly to reach your quota. You will be feeling better for it and your skin will love it too! #bringbackyourglow

Fruit smoothie bowl

8. Catch Up with a Friend – In Person!

It can be challenging to gather the girls in one place at the same time however for all your sakes, make it happen. A fenced playground or catching up someones house for a good old face to face chat, will allow you to get things off your chest, get feedback on and then feel the weight lifted off your shoulders. Connecting with other adults, having adult conversations and being listened too will be a refreshing change compared to the endless asking your toddler what is wrong and why they will only eat the colour blue. Have a laugh and enjoy talking our topics outside of nappies and toilet training.

9. Tidy Your Table Tops

Walking into a clean and tidy room is so rewarding isn’t it? We spend so much time tidying up and not so much time being able to reap the joys of our efforts. My late great aunt (bless her) long ago parted some wisdom upon me. Truth be told, she did take joy in avoiding housework of any type however this little trick really does work a treat.

“Always make the bed” she said, “and the rest of the room will look tidy.”

Expand this theory to other rooms of your home and it really does make a difference. If you are managing to stay on top of your household chores without feeling the pressure perhaps keep scrolling however if you are struggling, why not just focus on bench tops and table tops. Another element of ‘feel good’ that comes hand in hand with this method? The average toddler cannot leave toys and books on your bench top, only because they cannot yet reach – winning!

10. Treat Yourself

When our children need new clothes or ask for the new gourmet cheese that they noticed in the refrigerator at the local grocery store, us Mummas wouldn’t think twice about fulfilling their needs. This being said, do you find yourself second guessing replacing your worn shoes, extending your hair treatment by three months and are you wearing the same underwear you were wearing before you become a parent?

It is okay to treat yourself to a little something – you do deserve it!

Bellabox – My Review

Have you heard of Bellabox? I was recently sent a box as a gift for my review. While I was gifted this box, my opinions are true and my own. Bellabox is a subscription service that sends you a box of beauty products each month. When I first looked into the service, I was expecting to receive a box of sample beauty products. Knowing that it was on its way and not knowing what the package was holding was exciting!

When the day came, I had planned on opening the pretty little parcel once the kids were in bed to keep the experience a kid free zone. Hah… what a joke! The girls were even more excited than I was. Together we cherished each stage of opening the box.

Upon opening the box we discovered the contents wrapped in tissue paper sealed with a sticker – a pleasing unexpected detail! Tearing the tissue paper and peeling it back, we discovered 6 products.

  • Seacret Ocean Mist (200ml)
  • Plunkett’s NS Working Hands (Sample Sachet)
  • Luna by Luna Eyeshadow (Full Size Pot)
  • Subi Perfect Pimple Patch (18 x 10mm Patches)
  • Plunkett’s Vita E (20g Sample)
  • Model Co Highlighter Shimmer ( 7ml Tube)

I loved that included were a combination of both skincare and cosmetics – neither of which I have purchased since becoming a Mum.

I really loved the whole experience that Bellabox offered. It was really nice to have something in the mail (that wasn’t a bill) and that was just for me. From the anticipation of its arrival to opening and using the products.

For a busy mum, who neglects herself Bellabox could very well be the something special and exciting to look forward to each month.

Please look out for you too!

Self care is vital for good mental and physical health. You do deserve it to yourself to look after yourself. What can you do today to look after you?

And please remember to keep an eye out for those great danes!

Dani D x

Disclosure: This Blog does contain affiliate links which I may earn a small commission from if you purchase through them, at no extra cost to you.

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