
Pots of Fun for your Toddler!

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After getting some inspiration from one of our lovely colleagues, we just had to give this activity a shot for some toddler fun!

Pots of fun with your toddler

Pots of Fun for your Toddler

It didn’t take long for us to undress our dress ups clothes rack, find some hooks and venture to our pots cupboard.

With some assistance from Miss 14 months we collected some pots and utensils. We chose a collection that would offer different sounds when given a slap with her beater.

She was very excited to see watch what I was doing as I carefully hung them onto the hook which clung to the rail of the clothes rack.

toddler fun pots on clothes rack

Introducing the activity

As I passed Miss 14 months a little beater, her fingers grabbed it eagerly and her smile grew from ear to ear. With a little coaching, she was bopping it from pot to spoon, to sieve and back to the pot again!

toddler with pots

With the fall of each tap, she was rewarded with a clatter, a bang and a smash. Her little hand moved closer to the distant end of the beater as she was experimenting with different methods of controlling its aim.

She started off with little taps which got faster as her confidence grew.

toddler hitting pots

After a little while chewing the rubber end of her beater became more interesting than bopping the hanging kitchenware. We swapped the beater for a wooden spoon.

With a little tap here and there as an invitation to participate in our activity, Miss 14 months curiosity was reignited and she took to making her music once again.

toddler fun with pots

Educational Benefits

This simple activity opened up opportunities for her to build upon her

  • gross motor skills
  • hand eye coordination
  • problem solving skills
  • understanding of cause and effect

Conversation Starters

It opened conversations around

  • different sounds
  • tapping slow and softly verses hard and fast
  • left and right
  • forwards and backwards

Putting these words into action will help build an understanding and put these phrases into context.

We had a lot of laughs and will definitely do this activity again. It just goes to show, you don’t always need fancy toys for your toddler to have fun!

Dani D x

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