Tapping into Fine Motor Play

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We keep a fair number of our toys on rotation. Every couple of weeks or so, I’ll go through and take some out of our play space and pop them away. These are then replaced with some that had been stored away.

Its fun watching the kids explore the toys with fresh eyes. Miss 16m especially! They grow up so quickly. The way she plays and interacts is changing every day.

Our latest toy rotation resulted in our wooden tool box being put out. Miss 4 took on the role of showing her sister how to screw the bolts onto the screws. She then moved to explaining each of the tools.

While watching them enjoying this classic toy I had a light bulb moment.

Like a kid to a cake, I was rummaging around in Daddy’s tool box, grabbing a box on my my way back into the house through the garage and then some cotton tips on my way to the toy room.

With precise care I started to make holes on one side of the box. Three sets of eyes were watching very closely- two girls and a cat who was wondering what I was doing to HIS box!

My mini project was complete with holes covering an entire side of the box. I handed Miss 4 some cotton tips and the hammer from their tool box. She didn’t need any more of an invitation!

Using her helping hand, Miss 4 held the cotton tip between her forefinger and thumb – pincer grip! Her dominant hand gently held the hammer and with a couple of taps, the cotton tip was sent into the deep void beyond the cardboard.

Miss 16m joined in with enthusiasm too! She was happy poking the cotton tips into the holes and then poking them through with her finger.

Both the girls were captivated with the activity. It wasn’t until Don Gato (cat) tried getting in the box before either of them thought of looking to see where the cotton tips were going!

As simple as this activity was, the girls loved it.

They were both building up the small muscle groups in their fingers, practising pincer grip, strengthening the communication between left and right sides of their bodies and developing hand eye coordination.

Not bad for a cardboard box and some cotton tips!

Dani D x

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